
Auto Leasing
There are many advantages to auto leasing compared to buying a vehicle directly. In virtually all cases, you can get a higher-end vehicle, with a lower monthly price, when you lease than if you were to buy. On top of that, you dont need to worry about planning for costly repairs as the car gets older because you will simply return the vehicle at the end of the lease, and get something new. If you have any questions about auto leasing, please contact NY Car Broker and speak with one of our experienced lease professionals.
Car Lease Finance
When leasing a car, you need to make sure you are getting the best possible car lease financing deal around. The terms of your financing can have a significant impact on the monthly payment of your car, and what type of vehicle you can afford. We have financing specialists working for us, and they will be happy to help you find the perfect car lease finance options based on your situation. We work with a wide range of different financial institutions, which helps ensure we can help you qualify for the right financing fast.

Exit Your Lease
When you work with NY Car Broker, you never have to worry about being stuck in a lease that no longer meets your needs. Our team will help you exit your lease when it is convenient for you, and if that is before the end of your contract, well do everything we can to reduce any potential penalties. When youre ready to exit your lease, please give us a call and talk with one of our leasing specialists.
Lease Transfer
Did you know that you are able to transfer the remaining months of a lease contact to another party if you no longer want the vehicle? There are many times when those who are leasing a car decide that they want something new, but the contract hasnt yet ended. When this happens, we can match you up with someone who is looking for a car just like yours. Well complete all the paperwork to complete the transfer, and then help you find the perfect new car based on your exact needs.

Sell Your Car
If you have a car that you want to sell, we can help you to get top dollar. As a leading car company in New York, we can buy any type of vehicle quickly and easily. This is a much better option than trying to list the car on your own, and hope that you get a fair offer from a stranger. Of course, selling your car to us also comes with significantly less risk of falling victim to some type of scam, or worse. Please contact us and talk with one of our car experts to learn how much your vehicle may be worth.
Lease Return
As the end of your lease approaches, you need to start thinking about what car you are going to drive next. We can help you with the lease return process, and also get you into a great new vehicle, without any delay. Even if you originally leased the vehicle from another dealership, we would be happy to have you return it to us. We work hard to make the whole experience fast and easy so you can focus on the fun part of picking out your next car.

Trade In Appraisal
Are you looking for a good way to offset the costs of a down payment on a new vehicle? Trading in your existing car is a great option, which will help to minimize or eliminate any out of pocket expenses when buying or leasing a new car or truck. Our team will be happy to inspect your vehicle, and let you know how much we would give you for it as a trade in. This will help ensure you know all the factors necessary when shopping for a new vehicle in New York.
Wear & Tear
Wear and tear on your vehicle can cause it to lose value over time. This is a normal part of car ownership, but over time, can result in having a significant amount of issues that need to be repaired. Those who lease a car, however, typically dont need to worry about the normal wear and tear since they will be able to return the lease before anything major goes wrong. Not having to be concerned about problems with your car is just one of many advantages of leasing today.

Wheel & Tire Protection
Modern vehicles are filled with safety features, but even today, your wheels and tires are really your first line of defense when it comes to driving. If they go flat, are damaged, or have anything wrong with them, it puts you and everyone on the road in danger. This is one reason why we provide our leasing customers with a great wheel and tire protection package that helps to ensure you are safe. If anything happens to your wheels or tires, just let us know and well get it fixed or replaced right away.
Pre Owned Vehicles
In addition to leasing the best new cars, we also have an excellent selection of high-quality, low-mileage pre-ownedvehicles available for you to buy. When we take trade ins, lease returns, and other vehicles, we inspect them closely to identify any potential problems, which we then repair. Once they are professionally cleaned and approved, we put them up for sale. If a great pre-owned car is a good option for you, please get in touch with us to see how we can help.